
Marketing and Communications

In addition to the audience engagement and other resources that you’ll find on this page, the League offers a constituency group for marketing professionals in orchestras in Groups 1-2 and another for professionals in Groups 3-8. These groups meet at the National Conference and throughout the year. They also have dedicated online discussion forums, one for professionals in Groups 1-2 and the other for professionals in Groups 3-8. If you are a marketing professional with a League member orchestra, make sure you have access to your constituency group and the online discussions by contacting member@americanorchestras.org and ensuring that you are listed in our database.

Audience Engagement

Audience Engagement: Research from The Wallace Foundation

Building Audiences and Reimagining the Future of the Arts The Wallace Foundation supports audience-building efforts by arts organizations, including orchestras, and commissions research to understand what works, what doesn’t, and why. Learn more about Wallace’s Building Audiences for Sustainability initiative. The Wallace Foundation’s newest series, Reimagining the Future of the Arts brings together leading experts in the field …
Audience Engagement: Research from The Wallace Foundation READ MORE

Audience Engagement

Videos and Webinars

Banner: The Oakland Symphony performs at the Paramount Theatre. Photo courtesy of Oakland Symphony.

Audience Engagement Section: Dallas Symphony, a musician’s view. Photo: Sylvia Elzafon

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