Support the Future of American Orchestras
In This SectionTogether, we can create a vibrant future for orchestras in America.
For generations to come. For the good of all communities.
Orchestras bring people together to create musical experiences that are powerful, moving, and transformative. It’s the way we at the League of American Orchestras see our role, too: bringing to bear the power of countless stakeholders to do things that can be uniquely achieved through collective action and national leadership.
By donating to the League of American Orchestras, you’re ensuring ever-growing audiences from coast to coast can experience the thrill of orchestral music for years to come. Your support helps us to continue to provide the strategies, resources, and opportunities that orchestra professionals and orchestras themselves need to grow and thrive.
“My creative/professional high point of 2016 was being one of the 30 participants invited nationwide to attend the League of American Orchestras’ Essentials of Orchestra Management seminar and getting to learn from some of the most brilliant orchestra executives.”
Shiva Shafii, Director of Communications, Content and Digital Strategy, San Diego Symphony
“There is literally no other organization but the League so dedicated to equipping orchestra members for the many historic challenges facing us on all fronts,”
David Snead, President and CEO of the Handel and Haydn Society in Boston
Banner: National Orchestral Institute + Festival, Porgy and Bess performance, John Morris Russell conducting. Photo: David Andrews
Shape the Future of American Orchestras
Whether you support the League or your local orchestra--or both--your gift is vital to the vibrancy of our artform.
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