Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Center
The League of American Orchestras Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Center is designed to provide practical and helpful insights, advice, and a path to greater diversity and inclusion in every part of your organization. You’ll find important readings, research, and a number of examples of leadership within and beyond our field. The League intends this space to be a useful repository of curated resources that will help us change existing discriminatory systems, allowing musicians, administrators, volunteers, and board members—regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion or any other dimension of diversity–to thrive in the orchestra field. And we again affirm our own desire to learn, to evolve, and to act alongside our members in this important work.
Toward that end, please read this important statement expressing how the League of American Orchestras is coming to grips with its history of racism, reflecting on the impact of racism within the League and the wider community of orchestras, and committing to sustained action.
Highlighting key diversity statistics, the League of American Orchestras Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Data Hub tracks the impact of our field’s equity, diversity, and inclusion work over time, and informs our collective efforts to accelerate change.

Catalyst Guide: Audience Diversification
In this Catalyst Guide, learn from fifteen orchestras that are making progress towards engaging younger and more racially diverse audiences.
League Publications on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Orchestras
Research, reports, and guides aimed to aid orchestras in their EDI efforts
League Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Programs
Programs aimed to aid orchestras in their EDI efforts
League Statements on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The League is committed to examining our own practices and holding ourselves accountable and using every available channel to elevate EDI principles
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee of the League’s Board of Directors
A dedicated and highly engaged group of board members who meet on a quarterly basis to discuss directions and areas of focus for the League’s EDI work
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
EDI Resources of Special Interest to Orchestra Board Members
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
EDI Resources of Special Interest to Orchestra Staff
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
EDI Resources of Special Interest to Orchestra Musicians
From the League
Banner image credits
Berkeley Symphony Live on the Plaza, October 2019. A volunteer conductor for the Conduct the Orchestra portion of a free, public performance in partnership with the Downtown Berkeley Association and featuring nine string players from the orchestra. Photo Credit: Burgundy Visuals, Louis Bryant, III
Ann Hobson Pilot, recipient of the League’s Gold Baton Award in 2017. Photo Credit: Doug Coombe
Contemporary Youth Orchestra of Cleveland, OH performing with Jason Mraz. Photo Credit: Robert Muller
Dallas Symphony choir performance. Photo Credit: Sylvia Elzafon
Dallas Symphony Women in Classical Music Symposium panel. Photo Credit: Sylvia Elzafon
Jessica Jiang, winner of the Kristo Orthodontics Young Artist Competition, performing with Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra. Photo Credit: Lee Butterworth
Handel and Haydn Society Youth Choruses. Photo Credit: Kat Waterman
Photo courtesy of Hartford Symphony Orchestra
Keeper of the Drum, Emanuel Black Bear, starts off performance of Lakota Music Project at National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. Photo Credit: Tracey Salazar
National Orchestral Institute + Festival post-concert selfie. Photo Credit: David Andrews
The Catalyst Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Center is made possible by a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation with additional support from the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation.

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