Leading Perspectives
What do orchestra managers need to succeed today? A new book, Orchestra Management Handbook: Building Relationships in Turbulent Times, offers a guide to a career in this demanding, rewarding profession.
What do orchestra managers need to succeed today? A new book, Orchestra Management Handbook: Building Relationships in Turbulent Times, offers a guide to a career in this demanding, rewarding profession.
Board chairs of seven California orchestras speak out about what they see as today’s most pressing issues—for their own orchestras and the field at large.
In This Issue: NEA and Arts Education Funds Increase for Fiscal Year 2022; Continued Calls for Relief as Research Charts COVID-19’s Impact on the Arts; League Speaks Up on Travel with Musical Instruments; Charitable Giving and Nonprofit Sector Take the Spotlight in Senate Hearing
The pandemic has been a time of unprecedented collaborative learning among orchestras. But the post-pandemic environment will require orchestras to go further, finding ways to integrate departmental goals and organizational aspirations with new clarity.
News and updates from orchestras everywhere. The Classical Music · An Orchestral Requiem for George Floyd, Ukrainian Musicians Head Abroad, Black Orchestral Network Launches, Lizzo Debuts Her New Golden Flute
From the Editor, Robert Sandla
Read the whole Spring 2022 issue online via Issuu.
In the Catalyst Snapshots series, League member orchestras share stories of the tangible progress they’ve made towards their equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) goals. Read about EDI actions taken and lessons learned by seven orchestras that have faced opportunities and challenges similar to your own.
A new report by the Institute for Composer Diversity, produced in partnership with the League of American Orchestras, confirms an increase in works by women and composers of color on stage.
A new report from the Institute for Composer Diversity, produced in partnership with the League of American Orchestras, finds significant increases in works by composers of color and women composers being performed by American orchestras.