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Orchestra Boardroom: April 2018

A Note from Douglas Hagerman; Governance; Trends/Developments in Orchestras; Advocacy / Amplifying Your Orchestra’s Voice; A Brief for Trustees of Member Orchestras; League Conference Features Sessions for Board Members

League Leading: February 2018

Seeking a music director?; None of us knows more than all of us; Are orchestras culturally specific?; Playing Your Part—a concise guide; Meet 12 emerging orchestra leaders; Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion; ICYMI: The latest issue of Symphony magazine; Abuzz: “Hugely impacted my thought process…..”

Wireless microphones: where are we now?

The League, as part of a larger Performing Arts Wireless Microphone Working Group, has recently been representing orchestras in a series of meetings at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and earlier this week filed joint comments to the FCC.

League Leading: August 2017

Orchestras’ education and community engagement work is growing; A time to act; Symphony magazine celebrates the League’s 75th anniversary; In case you missed it—our National Conference; First League Giving Day kicks off 75th anniversary; Jesse Rosen on the future of American orchestras; The League represents orchestras and musicians at home and abroad; Member orchestras—and the League—invest in innovation; Orchestra musicians inspire, on the stage and off; It’s essential to nurture the next generation of leaders; Abuzz: “Connecting to this group renews, refreshes, and inspires…”

A Time to Act

The recent events in Charlottesville have escalated divisiveness and intolerance in America to a frightening degree. The persistence of racism, anti-Semitism, white supremacy, Nazism, and other hate groups continues to be cause for profound concern as they threaten America’s founding principles of equality. Indeed, our Constitution, to say nothing of the countless lives lost defending it, offers an unequivocal basis for complete condemnation of these ideologies.

FY17 Challenge America

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 106 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2017, totaling $2,435,000. In FY17 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Challenge America and Art Works in the discipline categories of music, arts education, and media arts. Awards to all arts disciplines through the NEA’s largest grant categories – Art Works and Challenge America – numbered 2,133 and totaled $51,421,000 million.

FY17 Art Works (Part 2)

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 106 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2017, totaling $2,435,000. In FY17 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Challenge America and Art Works in the discipline categories of music, arts education, and media arts. Awards to all arts disciplines through the NEA’s largest grant categories – Art Works and Challenge America – numbered 2,133 and totaled $51,421,000 million.

FY17 Art Works (Part 1)

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 106 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2017, totaling $2,435,000. In FY17 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Challenge America and Art Works in the discipline categories of music, arts education, and media arts. Awards to all arts disciplines through the NEA’s largest grant categories – Art Works and Challenge America – numbered 2,133 and totaled $51,421,000 million.

FY17 NEA Grants to Orchestras

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 106 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2017, totaling $2,435,000. In FY17 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Challenge America and Art Works in the discipline categories of music, arts education, and media arts. Awards to all arts disciplines through the NEA’s largest grant categories – Art Works and Challenge America – numbered 2,133 and totaled $51,421,000 million.

League Leading: March 2017

Now more than ever, it’s important to come together; In case you missed them — three seminal studies; Everyone can be an orchestra advocate; Where do you find 400 leaders?; There’s a growing will in the U.S. for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the orchestra field; League co-convenes Music Alive composer/orchestra teams; Abuzz: “I have found the League’s services invaluable …