March 16, 2021
Leaders of Thriving Arts Groups of Color Identify Keys to Success
In March 2021, SMU DataArts in partnership with The Wallace Foundation issued The Alchemy of High-Performing Arts Organizations, Part II: A Spotlight on Organizations of Color, a new report that explores how leaders of arts organizations of color view the reasons for their success, along with challenges they face.
July 26, 2024
Adapting to Changing Audience Tastes and Preferences
Webinar recording; registration required.
January 26, 2022
Understanding Audience Motivations in a Time of Ongoing Uncertainty
In this 60-minute webinar, now available on-demand, we share the key findings from Culture + Community in a Time of Transformation – A Special Edition of Culture Track, a report by Slover Linett Audience Research and LaPlaca Cohen.
March 31, 2019
World Music/CRASHarts Tests New Format and Name To Draw New Audiences
How does an arts presenter increase name recognition and attract younger audiences? An article and video from The Wallace Foundation’s Building Audiences for Sustainability initiative show how the Boston-based World Music/CRASHarts built loyalty and name recognition among younger audiences by creating a new annual festival, rebranding, and using creative marketing techniques to encourage repeat attendance during its regular season.
June 15, 2022
Conference 2022: Silver Linings from the Golden State: Stories of Collaboration within California’s Orchestra Community
Association of California Symphony Orchestras (ACSO) executive director Sarah Weber and several ACSO member orchestras share inspiring stories of collaboration within California’s orchestra community, outline key lessons learned, and discuss how their vision and plans for their orchestras have evolved as they look optimistically to the future.
August 22, 2018
Research and Self-Reflection Help Strengthen Community Ties (Post by Bob Harlow from The Wallace Foundation's blog)
Find great ideas applicable to orchestras in this blog post by market-research expert Bob Harlow about how the Fleisher Art Memorial connected with newly-arrived young immigrants in its South Philadelphia neighborhood.
October 18, 2022
Post-Pandemic Engagement: How to Reach Out to NextGen in the Digital Age
A 60-minute sponsored webinar sharing ideas on how innovative digital solutions can grow and engage your audience.
March 31, 2015
Getting Past “It’s Not For People Like Us”: Pacific Northwest Ballet Builds a Following with Teens and Young Adults
"A Seattle-based ballet company garnered new interest in traditional and contemporary ballet among teens and adults under the age of 25." - Author(s): Bob Harlow and Tricia Heywood
June 21, 2021
Conference 2021 Reflections: Ed Yim
The in-depth conversations at Conference 2021 were guided by our five emcees, each focusing on critical question that framed the day's sessions. Ed Yim, Chief Content Officer and Senior Vice President, WQXR/New York Public Radio, lead the theme New Directions.
May 27, 2022
Reshaping the Patron Experience: The Shift from Printed to Digital Program Books
A 60-minute sponsored webinar with InstantEncore’s David Dombrosky taking a closer look at the trend of digital program books with the New Haven Symphony Orchestra and Omaha Symphony.