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Studying Safer Concerts

Orchestras and scientists are joining forces to study the spread of the coronavirus so they can bring back live music— safely. These collaborations are part of the innovative approaches orchestras are taking on multiple fronts during the pandemic.

Creating Authentic, Community-Driven Partnerships

As the country copes with the pandemic and faces a longoverdue reckoning with racism, orchestras are seeking fresh ways to forge genuine connections with communities. How can orchestras collaborate with public education and community partners and offer social-emotional support and engagement? The League’s “New Ecosystem for Community-Centered Commitments” webinar gathered experts to propose new directions.

Boards, Governance, and Racial Equity

The COVID-19 crisis and the national focus on racial justice have profoundly affected conversations around governance, with new calls for equity, diversity, and inclusion on boards and at orchestras.

Forward Thinking: A World More Embracing

As orchestras grapple with the financial and organizational challenges of recalibrating their business models for a post-pandemic world, compelling opportunities to rethink relationships with local communities and society itself are emerging. – Simon Woods, League President and CEO

Traditions Reimagined: Resiliency Unveiled

The Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras looks at how volunteer organizations are tweaking traditions and holding firm as they continue to support their communities during this time of uncertainty, with special emphasis on ways these organizations have changed and adapted with respect to holding meetings, fundraising, and engaging and communicating with their members.

At a Glance: National Endowment for the Arts

Through direct grants, support to state arts agencies, and national leadership initiatives, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is a critical source of federal support for orchestras nationwide. The NEA’s FY19 Grants to Organizations included 100 grants to orchestras and communities they serve.

At a Glance: Equitable and Inclusive Music Education

Orchestras work at the national, state, and local levels to build support for
music education in schools. The League is a leader in national efforts to
preserve arts education funding and to improve arts education policy through implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act.