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Redefining the Donor Proposition

Is your organization prepared for the upcoming generational transfer of wealth and the uncertainty of shifting motivations driven by the pandemic? While contributed income has held steady for arts organizations across the past 20 years, the number of donors responsible for those donations has declined, creating a riskier landscape for development leaders.

Arts and Recovery: Contact Congress Today

Your voice has made a real difference as Congress shapes relief and recovery resources, and it’s time to be heard once again! In the coming weeks, Congress will finalize the contents of massive legislative vehicles intended to build the nation’s infrastructure and provide resources to support recovery amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation is being called a once-in-a-generation investment in U.S. infrastructure and growth.

Spotlight: Sonja Thoms

Sonja Thoms is the Vice President of Operations for the Nashville Symphony. In 2019, Sonja created Orchestra Careers, a website and online community that helps students discover, strengthen, and showcase the value they can bring to the work of orchestras. We asked her a few questions about her career and her advice for young musicians.

Update on the Afghanistan National Institute of Music

The world is sadly aware of the events in Afghanistan and of the danger faced by women, girls, journalists, and all those who helped the Americans during the war. Less visible is the danger faced in Afghanistan by musicians of all ages, and the Taliban’s history of denying the human right of access to music and music-making.