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Where Do We Stand?

Conductors of Western classical orchestras have almost all been White men. Few American orchestras put a Black music director on the podium, and many Black musical artists had to head to Europe to build careers. That’s changing—but are things moving far enough, fast enough?

Community, Climate, Composition, Collaboration

The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s Floods of Fire, a response to Australia’s environmental crisis, is the product of a large-scale collaboration. People from multiple backgrounds and groups came together to create the work—and the process may be more important than the result.

Songs of the Earth

Climate change is a major focus for composers writing for orchestra. The topic is taking on increased urgency, with a broad swath of new works demonstrating multiple approaches—and even finding reasons for hope.

Global Assist

Ukraine is only the most recent tragic conflict to create refugees by the millions. Orchestras and others in the classical music community are taking action to help displaced artists as they navigate life away from home.

Leading Perspectives

What do orchestra managers need to succeed today? A new book, Orchestra Management Handbook: Building Relationships in Turbulent Times, offers a guide to a career in this demanding, rewarding profession.

Sizzling Summer Policy Updates

In This Issue: NEA and Arts Education Funds Increase for Fiscal Year 2022; Continued Calls for Relief as Research Charts COVID-19’s Impact on the Arts; League Speaks Up on Travel with Musical Instruments; Charitable Giving and Nonprofit Sector Take the Spotlight in Senate Hearing

Forward Together

The pandemic has been a time of unprecedented collaborative learning among orchestras. But the post-pandemic environment will require orchestras to go further, finding ways to integrate departmental goals and organizational aspirations with new clarity.

The Score: Summer 2022

News and updates from orchestras everywhere. The Classical Music · An Orchestral Requiem for George Floyd, Ukrainian Musicians Head Abroad, Black Orchestral Network Launches, Lizzo Debuts Her New Golden Flute