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FY2022 American Rescue Plan Grants to Orchestras

52 orchestras have been awarded FY22 Grants for Arts Projects (GAP), Part 1 and Challenge America support by the National Endowment for the Arts. These orchestras will present a wide variety of concerts and festivals including works by familiar as well as emerging composers, support composer and artist residencies, host community engagement and education programs, and support training programs for young students.

Prelude and Table of Contents: Winter 2022

From the Editor Pick your metaphor—roller coaster, crapshoot, whack-a-mole—the sheer unpredictability of the global pandemic and the swift spread of the Omicron variant have forced life ​once again into a state of near-constant recalibrations, revisions, shutdowns​, returns. That’s not to make light of the tragic impact of COVID-19, which is ​real and heartbreaking. Still, it’s …

Coda: The Virtual Violin

Ray Chen isn’t your standard violin virtuoso. He has carved out a distinctive profile with a longstanding embrace of social media, aiming to make classical music more accessible, more relatable— and still brilliant. Here, Chen writes about how his latest digital project expanded his idea of what a musical community can be.

Time Signatures

Composers have never shied from difficult subject matter or recent tragedies, but the period that began in March 2020 has been particularly challenging. Five creators share how they are documenting, reflecting, and responding with new orchestral works.

New World Stages

Many emerging musicians were about to make their marks at orchestras nationwide when the pandemic hit. Some put their careers on pause, while others performed online or used the time to address issues of racial equity and social justice. As concert life gradually returns, what’s next for emerging musicians in today’s shifting landscape?