
Audience Growth Resources

Updated July 2024

Despite the differences between individual orchestras, what is clear is that audience preferences and priorities have profoundly changed. As a result, the orchestra field will need to think differently: meeting audiences where they are today – with new approaches to presentation, programming, marketing, and customer experience – will be critical. We hope the resources below and on the audience diversification resources page will inform the work ahead. 

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Audience Statistics

Audiences Attitudes

  • NEW JULY 2024: New research has highlighted significant opportunities to build engagement and trust among patrons.
  • NEW JULY 2024: Current patrons (both subscribers and single ticket buyers) are eager to deepen their understanding of the music performed, with relevant context and commentary. Read more soon from a WolfBrown study of U.S. orchestras undertaken in partnership with the League. Dive deeper into the topic through loyalty concept research commissioned by the National Arts Center of Canada.
  • NEW JULY 2024: Classical music is part of a rich landscape of varied musical interests: research from Slover Linett encourages us to connect with future audiences by understanding the rising significance of emotion and personal narrative to musical consumption.  
  • NEW JULY 2024: Recent research from IMPACTS Experience highlights 2020 as a turning point for Americans’ perceptions of arts and culture organizations. At this time, many arts organizations expanded their civic role in response to the pandemic. Today, arts and culture organizations are trusted as mission-driven, credible sources of information that people look to inform their choices and behaviors. And this significant shift provides opportunities for orchestras to build and deepen their relationships with patrons and other community members.
  • NEW JULY 2024: These opportunities are countered by challenges. In 2024 only 52.8% of all Americans believe that symphony orchestras are “welcoming to people like me,” a figure that is lower than for any type of museum. While orchestras have been making efforts to become more welcoming, they are seeing limited progress so far when compared to other cultural organizations. In addition, “couch competition” has developed into a long-term, post-pandemic trend. Hear more about the trend towards staying home in the evening and at weekends from Capacity Interactive, and from IMPACTS Experience.

Audience Engagement


Modernizing the Concert Experience

  • Learn from two research studies from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Morris Hargreaves McIntyre, both showing how specific tactics ranging from dress code to concert length can make the orchestra experience more attractive to potential new audience members.
  • NEW JULY 2024: Read a Symphony feature on how the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra is putting these principles into practice, creating a more attractive orchestra experience for potential new audience members.


Pandemic audience trends varied widely across the U.S. While some orchestras experienced little to no decline in ticket sales between the 2019 and 2023 seasons, many saw a 25% drop in ticket sales, and some as much as 40%. Those seeing less decline were more likely to be based in states where in-person performance was not interrupted by the pandemic.

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