COVID-19 Federal Assistance
In This SectionCommunity by community, the impact of COVID-19 is variable and rapidly changing. The League of American Orchestras has been a leading voice as orchestras join advocates in the arts and nonprofit sectors nationwide seeking federal relief that will protect their substantial workforce and safeguard their essential service to communities in the wake of unprecedented closures and event cancellations. Forms of federal support that have traditionally been more limited are now expanded to offer opportunities for the nonprofit sector and workers in the gig economy, like many self-employed musicians, to find relief amidst the COVID-19 crisis. While these forms of assistance are meant to be rapidly available, more details will be needed as federal agencies sort out the fine print.
As Congress and the Administration consider new forms of federal economic assistance that may be targeted or widespread, orchestras should continue to contact elected officials to let them know of the unexpected loss of event-dependent revenue, income for musicians, and declines in charitable contributions.
Federal Assistance Resources
Webinars and Legal Assistance
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