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Engaging the Latinx Community

This 60-minute webinar, led by Arts Consulting Group, explores the changing demographics and opportunities with the growing Latinx community. We look at case study examples from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony, as well as recommendations for inclusive practices and actionable insights from the LatinXperience Study. We also learn about the two mindsets identified by the study for engaging with the arts – the Pride mindset and the Progress mindset.

Redefining the Canon

Redefining the Canon, a field-wide effort from nonprofit Boulanger Initiative, aims to diversify the most widely-used orchestral audition excerpts by offering technically-comparable excerpts by historically underrepresented composers.

Returning to Performances with Live Audiences

TRG Arts discusses emerging best practices around building and retaining audiences during this rebound season in this 60-minute webinar weaving industry data insights with up-to-the-minute case study examples from Grant Park Music Festival, Peoria Symphony Orchestra, and Virginia Symphony Orchestra.