Catalyst Snapshots: EDI Case Studies from American Orchestras

In the Catalyst Snapshots series, League member orchestras share stories of the tangible progress they’ve made towards their equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) goals. Read about the EDI actions taken and lessons learned by seven orchestras that have faced opportunities and challenges similar to your own.
Register to download the PDF case studies and get access to:
- A Youth Orchestra’s Approach to EDI, Catalyst Snapshot of the Chicago Symphony Youth Orchestras
- EDI and Belonging on the Board, Catalyst Snapshot of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra
- EDI Training for Musicians, Board, and Staff, Catalyst Snapshot of the San Francisco Symphony
- Empowering All Voices for EDI, Catalyst Snapshot of the Los Angeles Philharmonic
- Pursuing EDI Through Community Engagement, Catalyst Snapshot of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- Selecting and Sequencing EDI Consultants, Catalyst Snapshot of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
- Using Plans and Metrics to Advance EDI, Catalyst Snapshot of the Handel and Haydn Society
You’ll also get an anthology PDF which includes all seven Snapshots.
The Catalyst Fund Incubator is a program of the League of American Orchestras that empowers member orchestras to create a culture of inclusivity, and ultimately to nurture and sustain the diversity they seek. Orchestras supported by The Catalyst Fund are laboratories for showing us what works in building understanding and creating effective EDI practices.
The Catalyst Fund Incubator, Catalyst Guides, and Catalyst Snapshots are made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation with additional support from the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation.
Additional support for the Snapshot is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Thank you to the Chicago Symphony Youth Orchestras, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Handel and Haydn Society, Los Angeles Philharmonic, New Haven Symphony Orchestra, and San Francisco Symphony whose learnings in equity, diversity, and inclusion work inform these Snapshots.
Author: Theodore Wiprud
Content Developer and Producer: Karen Yair, Ph.D.
Creative Director and Editor: Rachel Rossos Gallant
Designer: Ginger Dolden
Editor: Robert Sandla
EDI Reviewer: Antonio C. Cuyler, Ph.D., Cuyler Consulting, LLC
The Catalyst Fund Evaluators: Liz Alsina, Canarii Solutions, and Alison McNeil, McNeil Creative Enterprises
The Catalyst Pilot Fund Staff: Heather Briere, Amanda Díaz, and Lee Ann Norman
Learn | Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Promising Practices: Actions Orchestras Can Take to Make Progress Toward Equity
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Center
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