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FY17 NEA Grants to Orchestras

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 106 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2017, totaling $2,435,000. In FY17 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Challenge America and Art Works in the discipline categories of music, arts education, and media arts. Awards to all arts disciplines through the NEA’s largest grant categories – Art Works and Challenge America – numbered 2,133 and totaled $51,421,000 million.

League Leading: March 2017

Now more than ever, it’s important to come together; In case you missed them — three seminal studies; Everyone can be an orchestra advocate; Where do you find 400 leaders?; There’s a growing will in the U.S. for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the orchestra field; League co-convenes Music Alive composer/orchestra teams; Abuzz: “I have found the League’s services invaluable …

Tips for Musicians Travelling through TSA Automated Lanes (February 15, 2017)

The Transportation Security Administration is using a new automated bin system at Newark, Chicago O’Hare, Los Angeles, and Atlanta airports. We spoke with officials at TSA headquarters and received the following tips for musicians that hand carry their instruments when flying by air: Musical instruments may be screened through both TSA Pre✓® and regular TSA lanes that use …

League Statement on Travel Ban Executive Order

The music that orchestras play and the communities they serve are global and include people and cultures from the seven countries that are now subject to the travel ban issued by executive order on January 27. We firmly believe that concerns related to national security can be addressed while also continuing to welcome people beyond our borders.

League Champions Diversity and Inclusion—a November 2016 Update

Diversity Studies These pioneering studies are the latest examples of the League of American Orchestras’ longstanding commitment to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion among orchestras in the U.S. Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity in the Orchestra Field, commissioned by the League with research and data analysis by Dr. James Doeser, reports on gender and ethnic/racial diversity …

Ivory Ban Impact on Orchestras

Updated October 24, 2016 News: Note that Canada is implementing new permit requirements for musical instruments containing ivory, as of January 8, 2024. New Ivory Rules Support Musical Instruments On July 6, 2016, new rules took effect related to both international travel and domestic commerce with musical instruments that contain small quantities of African elephant …

CITES Treaty Negotiations Include Musical Instrument Policies

The League of American Orchestras was a voice for the music community in what is being called “game changing” treaty negotiations over international protected species rules. The 17th conference of the parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) was the largest event in the treaty’s more than 40-year history, and the array of issues under consideration included two key areas that will impact the rules for musical instruments that cross borders among the 183 party countries.

Coda: In the Band

Member-only Content

Diversity and inclusion are central to the missions of orchestras today, as the League’s 2016 Conference, “The Richness of Difference,” made clear. At the Conference, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings, who represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, spoke with passion and eloquence about his own journey, his connection with music, and why the arts matter.