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Orchestra Boardroom: April 2018

A Note from Douglas Hagerman; Governance; Trends/Developments in Orchestras; Advocacy / Amplifying Your Orchestra’s Voice; A Brief for Trustees of Member Orchestras; League Conference Features Sessions for Board Members

League Leading: February 2018

Seeking a music director?; None of us knows more than all of us; Are orchestras culturally specific?; Playing Your Part—a concise guide; Meet 12 emerging orchestra leaders; Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion; ICYMI: The latest issue of Symphony magazine; Abuzz: “Hugely impacted my thought process…..”

Roads to Recovery

This fall, orchestras in several states were hit hard by natural disasters. Yet even as they suffered the same blows as their neighbors, orchestras and musicians stepped forward to encourage and help rebuild their communities. Beyond offering the solace only music can, orchestras need to have their own contingency plans in place to cope when disaster strikes.