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Wallace Foundation Publishes Scenario-Planning Toolkit to Help Arts Groups Cope With Pandemic and Other Challenges

The Wallace Foundation has released Navigating Uncertain Times: A Scenario-Planning Toolkit for the Arts and Culture Sector, developed by AEA Consulting and designed to help arts and culture organizations approach planning for a future marked by uncertainties, including the COVID-19 pandemic, social justice movements, climate change, emerging technologies, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Women are Now Driving Philanthropy. Are Orchestras Engaging Them?

How can you tap into the generosity of women to navigate through this prolonged time of crisis? The COVID-19 pandemic, economic downturn, and social unrest have left arts nonprofits reeling; many are struggling to continue operating while serving members and audiences with reimagined programming. One group of donors may offer a lifeline: women.

Prelude and Table of Contents: Fall 2020

The headlines hit in rapid succession. The New York Philharmonic cancelled its season—for the first time in 178 years. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra cancelled concerts through March 2021. The Pacific Symphony postponed its 2020-21 season to 2021-22.

Coda: Homes Away from Home

Singer-songwriter Gabriel Kahane is spending increasing time writing and performing music with orchestras, with a string of commissions on timely topics.

Annual Fund: Spring 2020

With the support of our valued donors, the League continues to have a positive impact on the future of orchestras in America by helping to develop the next generation of leaders, generating and disseminating critical knowledge and information, and advocating for the unique role of the orchestral experience in American life before an ever-widening group of stakeholders.

Eco-Friendly Orchestras

At a time of climate change, the environment and sustainability practices are growing concerns for the classical music field. How are American orchestras addressing their environmental impact, and what kinds of sustainability efforts go beyond the call of duty?

Re: “Unheard Voices” Cover Story

Reactions to Symphony’s Winter 2020 cover article, which examined the longstanding underrepresentation of Black composers in the orchestral canon; reported on the recent increase in performances of music by Black composers; and asked whether orchestras’ new interest in Black composers signifies a lasting commitment.