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NEA Announces Guidelines for American Rescue Plan Grants

Today, the National Endowment for the Arts announced guidelines for American Rescue Plan Grants, which are intended to help support jobs in the arts sector, keep the doors open to arts organizations, and assist the field in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

NEA Announces Guidelines for American Rescue Plan Grants

On June 23, 2021, the National Endowment for the Arts publicized grant guidelines for prospective applicants for American Rescue Plan Grants. These Congressionally allocated funds are to help support jobs in the arts sector, keep the doors open to arts organizations, and assist the field in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Relief: Ongoing 2021 Opportunities (June 23, 2021)

Orchestras are accessing multiple forms of direct federal relief available in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us for an overview of the PPP loan forgiveness process, an update on the Shuttered Venue Operators Grants program, and a deeper dive into the complexities of the Employee Retention Tax Credit. The League’s Vice President for Advocacy Heather Noonan will be joined by experts from the Pryor Cashman law firm, Kyle Miller and Taylor Weinstein, for the latest offering in the League’s ongoing advocacy, direct assistance, and guidance for orchestras navigating COVID-19 relief.

Conference 2021 Reflections: Ed Yim

The in-depth conversations at Conference 2021 were guided by our five emcees, each focusing on critical question that framed the day’s sessions. Ed Yim, Chief Content Officer and Senior Vice President, WQXR/New York Public Radio, lead the theme New Directions.

Conference 2021: Annual Meeting/Closing Session: A Time to Embrace Change

The largest supporter of the arts and humanities in the U.S., The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is committed to ensuring equitable access to excellent arts and cultural experiences. We welcomed Elizabeth Alexander, President of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and Emil Kang, the foundation’s Program Director for Arts and Culture for a closing keynote conversation. They addressed how we must place the arts and artists at the center of thriving, healthy communities.

Conference 2021: Making the Case for Support in 2021

As orchestras emerge from the pandemic with changed approaches to artistry, community, and workplaces, the case for support will also change as funders, government leaders, and donors reassess their priorities. Join a panel conversation that explores opportunities to examine how to make the case in new ways, to new audiences, and with a fresh awareness of what resonates most in the post-pandemic environment.