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2024 Midwinter General Session: Meaning More to More People

For orchestras to build vibrant and sustainable futures, we must grow our communities of engagement and support. Traditional tools for achieving this include audience development, artistic planning, community engagement, civic engagement, fundraising, and education. At their core, these tools all contribute to the aspirational goal of meaning more to more people and they are most powerful when used in combination.

Spotlight: Lori Julian

Lori Julian, a long-time supporter of the League, serves on the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Board of Trustees, the Negaunee Music Institute Board, and is a member of the League President’s Council.

League of American Orchestras Elects Alan Mason as New Board Chair

Alan Mason has been elected Chair of the League of American Orchestras’ Board of Directors, the League has announced. The California-based finance executive and musician recently retired as a Managing Director at BlackRock and is the Prior President of the Association of California Symphony Orchestras Board. Mason currently serves as a board member of the Monterey Symphony and is a prior board member of the Oakland Symphony, Santa Rosa Symphony, and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra.

House Defeats Brecheen Amendments, Senate Acts Next

After supportive remarks by Interior Subcommittee Chair Mike Simpson (R-ID) and Ranking Member Chellie Pingree (D-ME) on behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the House defeated a pair of amendments offered by Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-OK).