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Shuttered Venue Operator Updates

In a call with Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) stakeholders today, the Small Business Administration (SBA) provided information in response to applicant uncertainty over the timing and next steps in processing grant applications.

Catalyst Fund Pilot Program Grant Recipients

Since the program launched in 2019, the League of American Orchestras has awarded grants to 49 U.S. orchestras to help strengthen understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and transform organizational culture.

Spotlight: Janet Chen

In 2019, Janet Chen was named the first ever Chief Executive Officer of ProMusica, a chamber orchestra in Columbus, Ohio and a League member. We asked her a few questions about her career, which has seen her as a performing musician, arts administrator, and music educator.

FY21 NEA Grants to Orchestras

May 18, 2021, Washington, D.C. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded 103 grants to orchestras through the Grants for Arts Projects categories in FY2021, totaling $2,276,500. In FY21 orchestras directly received NEA grant support through Grants for Arts Projects primarily in the discipline categories of music and arts education. Awards to all arts …

Shuttered Venue Operators Grants Updates

The SBA is advising stakeholders that further information about next steps in Shuttered Venue Operators Grants program will continue to be released this week and next. The League participated in a call this afternoon with SVOG administrators.