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The American Orchestras’ Futures Fund Forum

Made Possible by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation About the Event The American Orchestras’ Futures Fund is a competitive grants program designed to advance the innovative work of the League of American Orchestras’ member orchestras. Made possible through the generous support of the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation and administered by the League, the …

The Catalyst Fund Forum

The Catalyst Fund is the League’s signature re-granting program that awards annual grants to build the internal capacity of U.S.-based member orchestras in advancing their understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and in encouraging effective practice.

From Now to Next: The 2021 Online Midwinter Managers Meeting

The beginning of 2021 promises to be a tough time in the life of our country, even as we begin to see progress towards coronavirus vaccination for all. In the past year, the ground has shifted under our feet, giving us reason to reconsider our mission and strategies. Join us for the Midwinter Managers Meeting, taking place online Thursday-Friday January 21-22, 2021, to explore with your colleagues how the experience of 2020 affects the work ahead.