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Forward Together: Orchestra Field Reunites In Person in Los Angeles for League of American Orchestras National Conference, June 1-3, 2022

After online convenings in 2020 and 2021, the League of American Orchestras National Conference will take place in person again, hosted this year by the Los Angeles Philharmonic in partnership with the Association of California Symphony Orchestras (ACSO). Nearly 1,000 orchestra administrators, musicians, board members, and volunteers will explore the theme “Forward Together” at Los Angeles’ Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites, June 1-3, 2022.

Signs of Spring: Cherry Blossoms and D.C. Policy Updates

In This Issue: NEA and Arts Education Funds Increase for Fiscal Year 2022; Continued Calls for Relief as Research Charts COVID-19’s Impact on the Arts; League Speaks Up on Travel with Musical Instruments; Charitable Giving and Nonprofit Sector Take the Spotlight in Senate Hearing

Solidarity with Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a betrayal of humanity. In the face of this attack on an independent nation, with innocent citizens being killed, maimed, or forced to flee their homes, we may feel powerless as arts organizations to make a difference. Nonetheless, this past week the classical music world has moved swiftly to respond to unfolding events and many American orchestras have expressed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine in powerful ways.

Latest Arts Policy News

In This Issue: Act Now: ERTC Reinstatement Gaining Support; States Now Processing FEMA Safe Opening Assistance; U.S. Copyright Office Opens Talks on ‘Bots’; Shuttered Venue Grants in Action Nationwide; NEA American Rescue Plan Grants to Aid 24 Orchestras; New Engagement by U.S. Department of Education on Arts Learning; Engaging International Artists? Explore Consular Waivers, Confirm Approved Vaccines

League of American Orchestras 2022 Bruno Walter National Conductor Preview To Showcase Six Next-Gen Conductors Leading the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductors Bertie Baigent, Tong Chen, Gonzalo Farias, Norman Huynh, Yuwon Kim, and François López-Ferrer will lead the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra at the League of American Orchestras’ Bruno Walter National Conductor Preview, March 16-17, 2022 at New Orleans’s Orpheum Theater. A free concert at 7:30 pm CST on March 17 caps the event.

Kick-Start 2022 with the Latest Arts Policy News

In This Issue: Act Now: Renewed COVID-19 Relief Talks Underway; NEA Awards 1st Round FY22 Grants, Direct ARP Grants to Come; Newest Artist Visa Updates as Travel Resumes, Cautiously; League Resources on COVID-19 Relief and New Safety Rules; 2022: A Key Year for Advocacy