by Theodore Wiprud with Dr. Karen Yair, Megan Delatour, and Suzanne Perrino

Youth, professional, and community orchestras all have the potential to foster young people’s growth as artists and leaders, instilling ownership and a sense of belonging. Through music, orchestras can contribute to the development of communities while ensuring the future vibrancy, sustainability, and relevance of the art form. 

Orchestras have a strong legacy in educational work, seen in family concerts, school residencies, and youth musician coaching. However, this work must engage young people in ways that allow them to feel fully seen, heard, and valued. Connecting with young people on their own terms as partners in shaping the future of music can transform our institutions and help orchestras be vital and forward-thinking assets to our communities.

This Catalyst Guide from the League of American Orchestras outlines how member orchestras are taking steps to center youth creativity, empower their voices, and create career pathways. Explore the Guide to gain insights on engaging younger, more diverse audiences, and learn from successful case studies that showcase what’s possible when we embrace the energy and ideas of the next generation. Scroll down or download the PDF to explore this guide.


Conclusion: The Future Matters

The rewards of authentic youth engagement in renewing orchestra culture and recruiting new generations of musicians, teaching artists, leaders, audiences, and donors are very clear. The recent history of efforts toward greater equity, diversity, and inclusion shows that change is possible and healthy. Engaging with increasingly diverse and increasingly aware youth will help any orchestra achieve its mission to serve its whole community. We need young people. And we have so much to offer to youth in the richness of orchestral music and in opportunities for enjoyment, creativity, and careers. It is a two-way street.

Fortunately, many orchestras, including those seen in this guide, are already showing us ways to engage with and lift up youth. Now is the time to align the entire organization toward the future, to welcome new generations, to rediscover why we matter.

Photo: Students rehearsing with South Dakota Symphony Orchestra musicians on new compositions by Zjhamere Richardson, written as part of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra’s Music Composition Academy program. Credit: Photo by Connor Gibbs.


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