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Making SMART Choices

Member-only Content

Join Allison Crump of TDC for a 30-minute, easy to follow demonstration of the Strategy and Money Alignment Tool (SMART) that takes all the guesswork out of getting started.

Latest News on PPP and Shuttered Venue Grants

The process for accessing the federal COVID-19 relief that was passed into law last December has undergone many twists and turns in the past few weeks and the League of American Orchestras is sharing the following important and time-sensitive updates.

Production and Design Manager

March 3, 2021 Overview: The League of American Orchestras (www.americanorchestras.org) seeks a creative and forward-looking Production and Design Manager who is capable of everything from designing a beautiful quarterly magazine (in print and online) to producing an engaging fundraising report in Adobe Spark to creating contemporary logotypes for League programs. We’re looking for a talented self-starter …

Pension Relief Proposed in New COVID-19 Bill

Among the many provisions under consideration in the newest federal relief package, huge progress has been made to include substantial and long-awaited relief for both single- and multi-employer pension plans.

Speak up: Congress finalizing next relief package

Congress is rapidly advancing a new $1.9 trillion package of COVID-19 relief, building on a proposal by the Biden-Harris Administration, and using the budget reconciliation process to speed approval with a simple majority vote in the Senate.

Mental Health & Wellness: A Conversation

Mental health and wellness are extremely important yet frequently overlooked and stigmatized. In a 90-minute panel discussion moderated by Stephanie Wagner, a trainer and program specialist at Healthy Minds Innovations (affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison), we will open the dialogue to normalize conversations about mental health for those in the orchestra field and beyond.