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FY24 NEA Grants to Orchestras

52 orchestras are direct grant recipients of Grants for Arts Projects (GAP), Part 1 awards totaling $1.255 million and 15 orchestras are receiving Challenge America grants totaling $150,000, plus there are a great number of orchestral- and instrument training program-related projects receiving NEA grants.

Audience Diversification – Jacksonville Symphony: Symphony in 60

Among the Jacksonville Symphony’s many series offerings is Symphony in 60, a one-hour concert preceded by a casual cocktail hour and featuring introductions to each work from the podium with multi-media visuals. These engaging concerts typically feature works that are shorter than those in the symphony’s Classical Series. Priced much lower than other concerts, the series appeals …

Audience Diversification – Johnstown Symphony Orchestra: Steel Mill Concerts

In 1992, Bethlehem Steel closed its operations in Johnstown, sending the economy of a major steel-producing city into a tailspin. Twenty-five years later, Johnstown Symphony Orchestra Music Director James Blachly conceived a plan to implement the board’s mission to “bring the symphony to the city” by performing downtown at an abandoned steel mill and, in doing …