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Federal budget repeats recent history, proposing elimination of NEA

With bipartisan support from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) received an increase for fiscal year 2020 for a total funding level of $162.25 million, while the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program fund at the U.S. Department of Education actually received a $1 million increase for a total funding level of $30 million.

Federal budget repeats recent history, proposing elimination of NEA

With bipartisan support from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) received an increase for fiscal year 2020 for a total funding level of $162.25 million, while the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program fund at the U.S. Department of Education actually received a $1 million increase for a total funding level of $30 million.

Reminder! IRA Rollover is a key giving incentive

Many orchestras have received significant new contributions since the IRA Charitable Rollover provision was made permanent in 2015, allowing individuals age 70-1/2 and older to make direct, tax-free transfers of up to $100,000 per year (up to $200,000 for married couples) from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) to qualified charities.

Coda: First Person

As 2020 begins, we look at back what some important voices from inside and outside the orchestra field have had to say on Symphony’s Coda page.

Annual Fund: Winter 2020

With the support of our valued donors, the League continues to have a positive impact on the future of orchestras in America by helping to
develop the next generation of leaders, generating and disseminating critical knowledge and information, and advocating for the unique role of
the orchestral experience in American life before an ever-widening group of stakeholders.


Six of today’s emerging artists talk about their visions for the classical music world. By Vivien Schweitzer

Young at Heart

Tips and updates from folks on the front lines presenting family concerts. By Keith Powers.