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Conference 2020 – Engaging Audiences at Home

Our current environment has quickly altered how and where we connect with audiences. This session explored how orchestras and other performing arts are using technology to maintain and strengthen engagement with audiences through archival and original performance content.

Conference 2020 – Philanthropy in Transformational Times

While the pandemic has prompted a renewed world-wide impulse to give to charitable causes, the next trends in philanthropy will continue to be influenced by local dynamics, and by economic and social trends that vary by generation. In this session, Robert Sharpe will explore how historic giving patterns inform what might be yet to come.

Conference 2020 – Scenario Planning in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis is affecting the arts and culture sector in an unprecedented way. Amidst an uncertain and seemingly ever-shifting environment, organizations must continue to respond to immediate challenges presented by the crisis while attempting to understand the potential implications of the crisis for next month, next season, and beyond.