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Prelude and Table of Contents: Spring 2020

At times of crisis, one of the first things people turn to is orchestral music. Beyond the sheer beauty that offers solace or the knotty dissonance that echoes personal anguish, orchestral music offers a sense of continuity and collective effort. There’s the knowledge that a group of artists came together to play this music and that a composer—in the distant past or right here, right now—understands your pain. As has been said before by smarter minds, “where words fail, music speaks.” – Bob Sandla

Eco-Friendly Orchestras

by Brian Wise At a time of climate change, the environment and sustainability practices are growing concerns for the classical music field. How are American orchestras addressing their environmental impact, and what kinds of sustainability efforts go beyond the call of duty?

Arts Education and Teaching Artistry Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Federal emergency funding provided in the CARES Act is now available to states through block grants and emergency relief resources intended to support the new costs of adapting to learning needs amid the COVID-19 crisis. Funds are primarily targeted to Title I schools, and state and local education policy leaders are given opportunities to choose how to direct these COVID-19 relief resources.

NEA Awards CARES Act Funding to States

As of last week, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced it awarded almost $30 million to the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia and several territories including Puerto Rico, for re-granting in order to preserve jobs and facilities costs.