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Every Student Succeeds Act: Resources for Orchestras

The passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) marks an important, new opportunity to ensure that every student has access to arts and music education. Now, even more of the decisions about how the arts are supported in education will be made at the state and local levels. The highest poverty schools currently have the …

Forty Years of Fellowships: A Study of Orchestras’ Efforts to Include African American and Latino Musicians

Forty Years of Fellowships: A Study of Orchestras’ Efforts to Include African American and Latino Musicians, commissioned by the League with research and analysis by Nick Rabkin and Monica Hairston O’Connell, is an in-depth examination of orchestras’ past efforts to diversify their musician ranks with fellowships for African American and Latino musicians. The report presents program and impact data about diversity fellowships from 1976 to the present day, and explores the perspectives of fellowship program alumni.

Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity in the Orchestra Field

Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity in the Orchestra Field, commissioned by the League with research and data analysis by Dr. James Doeser, reports on gender and ethnic/racial diversity in orchestras among musicians, conductors, staff, executives, and board members.

Four Steps to an Open Communications Culture for Orchestras

How we engage with colleagues serves as one of our biggest assets for success and directly influences our ability to accomplish our work. But what happens when, behind the scenes and off the stage, establishing and sustaining harmonious connections between people feels difficult, or even impossible?

Common Cause Signatories

Orchestras Support In-School Music Education Signatories (as of March 28, 2022) “Orchestras Support In-School Music Education” (PDF) reflects a collective opportunity for all orchestras to take individual, community-specific action to improve access to music education in schools nationwide. The process of signing onto the statement is ongoing, and all orchestras are invited to add their names. To …

Playing Your Part – More Resources

League of American Orchestras Advocacy Resources https://americanorchestras.org/advocate/The League’s Washington, D.C. office represents orchestras before Congress, the White House, and federal agencies; provides technical assistance to orchestras on a range of statutory and regulatory issues; and guides and supports the highly effective grassroots advocacy undertaken by orchestras nationwide. Independent Sector http://independentsector.org/The League is a member of …

Playing Your Part – Q&A: The Rules that Allow Lobbying by Nonprofits

In general, what is considered lobbying? Lobbying is the attempt to influence the passage or defeat of legislation through the presentation of views to any person in a position to affect that process: a member of Congress, a Congressional staff member, a state legislator, or a city council member. Individuals as private citizens may lobby as …