Ten Tips for Launching Your Music Education Advocacy Effort
1. Engage your musicians, staff, and board in your education advocacy efforts.
2. Recognize that the most effective education advocacy is local.
3. Start or join an advocacy coalition now.
4. Recognize that the orchestra is only part of the puzzle.
5. Hang in there.
6. Seize the moment – before there is a crisis.
7. Make new friends.
8. Use online resources.
9. Use current research to build your case.
10. Advocate for better data on student participation in music education.
Keep the League informed of your advocacy efforts! As the League continues to advocate for arts education at the national level, it will be helpful to know about your efforts to build support for music education at the state and local levels. Tell us your advocacy stories – contact hnoonan@americanorchestras.org or
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