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Music Director Search Handbook

Unlock the secrets of the music director search process! For those thinking about looking for a new music director, already in the process of searching, or just interested in the journey, this step-by-step eBook is your go-to resource – a roadmap to identifying the key musical leadership that is right for your orchestra.

Successful Orchestra Fundraising In 2021

The economic road to recovery is a long journey that most orchestras are just beginning. Creating momentum for increased patronage through earned revenue will take time, perhaps years. In the meantime, contributed support must supply the necessary operational funds so that orchestras can continue to fulfill their community and artistic missions.

Orchestra Repertoire Report (ORR) 2011-2012

In 1970, the League of American Orchestras began to track member orchestras’ programming through its Orchestra Repertoire Report (ORR), in order to answer queries from grantmakers, journalists, musicologists, historians, and member orchestras.


EarShot is the first ongoing, systematic program for developing relationships between composers and orchestras on the national level. Through orchestral readings, CoLABoratory fellowships, consortium commissions, and professional development, EarShot ensures a vibrant musical future by investing in creativity today.

Shifting from Stage to Screen

How and why are orchestras moving musical content to digital platforms—and creating entirely new experiences for virtual audiences? Is this a short-term response or the future of our field? How can we create compelling content to compete with endless options for online entertainment just a click away? How do we keep focused on our mission, our audiences, and our quests for greater equity and accessibility when our primary means of contact are electronic?

Sample Actions Your Orchestra Might Take

The most effective advocacy efforts are tailored to address a local community’s unique resources and opportunities, in partnership with local stakeholders. Your orchestra’s alignment in support of in-school music education helps your community. While there is a benefit to be gained for your orchestra, music education advocacy is a civic opportunity and a way to …