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Overview of the Latest COVID-19 Relief Opportunities (March 19, 2021)

The sixth federal COVID-19 relief package, the American Rescue Plan, will extend or expand nearly every form of federal assistance that has been available to orchestras amid the coronavirus pandemic, including the Shuttered Venue Operators Grants, Employee Retention Tax Credit, and National Endowment for the Arts funding. It also introduces new opportunities.

Membership Management Feature Instructions

These instructions will work for your orchestra’s primary and secondary contacts. If you are managing this membership on someone else’s behalf, or if you are not sure who is designated as primary and secondary for your orchestra, please reach out to Member Services directly at member@americanorchestras.org or 646 822 4010. 1. Go to www.americanorchestras.org and …

Leaders of Thriving Arts Groups of Color Identify Keys to Success

In March 2021, SMU DataArts in partnership with The Wallace Foundation issued The Alchemy of High-Performing Arts Organizations, Part II: A Spotlight on Organizations of Color, a new report that explores how leaders of arts organizations of color view the reasons for their success, along with challenges they face.

Advocacy Work Continues!

Please continue to speak up to let your members of Congress know the ways in which COVID relief is supporting your orchestra and your community. While much attention has been given to COVID relief legislation, there are other bills that will need support in the coming weeks and months as well.

Ask CI Anything

What is the real impact of the pandemic on arts marketers? Join Erik Gensler, president and founder of Capacity Interactive, and CI team members for a summary and interactive group discussion of the data analysis.

Making SMART Choices

Join Allison Crump of TDC for a 30-minute, easy to follow demonstration of the Strategy and Money Alignment Tool (SMART) that takes all the guesswork out of getting started.