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Prelude and Table of Contents: Spring 2021

It sounds like sci fi: “the before times.” But before COVID-19, orchestra seasons were planned down to the hemidemisemiquaver, announced half a year before opening night, and then launched like so many swans—gorgeous and unruffled on top, paddling madly below. Change—when it happened—was difficult, protracted, in part because of practicalities like the availability of in-demand …

Re-Energizing Membership

Join the Volunteer Council as we explore new ideas and strategies to reinvigorate our volunteers. Topics include: evaluating your role as orchestra volunteers in a post-COVID world, diversifying your membership, recruiting and prospecting, how to engage and mentor new members, and best practices in recognizing, rewarding, and retaining members. Joining us will be Doris Parent, Vice President of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Strategies (IDEAS) at The Philadelphia Orchestra.

Ford Musician Awards for Excellence in Community Service – 2021 Awardees

We congratulate the Ford Musician Awardees! They work with both adults and children in a rich variety of community settings: using music as a therapeutic tool for adults with severe and persistent mental health challenges; providing pop-up concerts during food bank distributions; bringing orchestra musicians to a regional hospital and the many constituents it serves; …

Start Spreading the News

By Susan Elliott As traditional media outlets devote less coverage to classical music, orchestras are filling the void by stepping forward to tell their own stories themselves.