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Digital technology has come to pervade all walks of life, from academia to banking, and COVID-19 has only stepped up the pace. But sheet music—the familiar paper score—has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. Are orchestras ready to make the jump to e-scores?

Lockdown Learning

Though in-person instruction has been mostly shut down since the pandemic began in 2020, youth orchestras have been finding myriad ways to rehearse and perform, socially distanced. And some of the changes will likely be lasting, informing music education in the future.

Festival Overtures

Last summer, most music festivals were on hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, but this year many festivals are gearing up to return—for a very different kind of summer season. As classical music fans head to outdoor stages or log in to soak up the sounds of orchestral music, what can they expect to see and hear?

Native Sounds

Music by composers from Navajo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and many other tribes is increasingly being performed and commissioned by orchestras as they seek to broaden the range of music they perform. While these artists are working in a classical European tradition, they embrace their cultural heritage and see music as a way to express Indigenous worldviews.

Rethinking Blind Auditions

Blind auditions, in which musicians perform behind a screen to shield their identity, were instituted to redress the longstanding exclusion of people of color and women from orchestras. Blind auditions were successful in some regards, but the percentage of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color musicians has not risen significantly over the years. Is it time to rethink blind auditions?

Board Room: Passing the Baton

The transition of board leadership at orchestras is always a delicate balancing act, and the pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to board chairs—as well as unexpected opportunities. Here, incoming and outgoing board chairs at three orchestras reveal how they view their roles, what they foresee for the future, and how they got involved with orchestras in the first place.

Embracing a Changed World

The world has radically changed from just a year ago, as orchestras have grappled with the pandemic and have sought to confront racial injustice. The League’s 2021 National Conference will explore what must change from the past, what the future might look like, and how we will get there.

The Score: Spring 2021

News and updates from orchestras everywhere. In this issue: League Issues Statement Condemning Violence Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Sounds of Santa Rosa Clearing the Air with Music 2021 Avery Fisher Career Grants Announced