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Conference 2021: Survive to Thrive: Why Community is Central to our Success

Orchestras increasingly re-examined the ways we engage with our audiences and connect with our communities. What lessons have we learned that will help orchestras thrive post-pandemic? This panel conversation reflected a cross section of departments and budget sizes to share strategies, insights, and actionable ways that orchestras can authentically engage with communities to increase access, deepen trust, and develop enduring sustainability.

Conference 2021: The Arc of Art and Community Solidarity

As Vice President of Social Impact at the Kennedy Center, Marc Bamuthi Joseph successfully moved the organization from an engagement model to an equity model as the institution seeks to be in better compliance with an anti-racist agenda. During these remarks, he layed out a blueprint for the classical field that lifted its gaze beyond the horizon of equity, diversity, and inclusion work to consider a focus on systemic solidarity or structural allyship instead.

Conference 2021: Making Connections: Leveraging Symphonic Strengths in a Pandemic-Impacted Nation

The pandemic has created major shifts in how people engage with orchestras and make attendance decisions for years to come. From implementing new safety measures onsite to exploring new methods of engaging with audiences online, nearly every aspect of orchestral operations has been impacted by the coronavirus. But one thing has stayed the same: connection—to our audiences, to our communities, and to one another—is critical.

How Orchestra Boards Can Advance Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: A Guide from the League of American Orchestras

This new Guide makes the case for the vital importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion at orchestras—from the board perspective. The authors, board members themselves, discuss the urgency of this work and offer practical advice, contextual information, and strategies for boards and orchestras to become truly representative of the communities they serve.

SBA Begins Shuttered Venue Grant Award Announcements

On May 26, 2021, the Small Business Administration (SBA) posted a new set of Frequently Asked Questions for Awardees approved for a Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG), as grant notifications for the first award recipients for this critical form of COVID-19 relief are issued this week.

Shuttered Venue Operator Updates

In a call with Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) stakeholders today, the Small Business Administration (SBA) provided information in response to applicant uncertainty over the timing and next steps in processing grant applications.