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At a Glance: COVID-19 Relief & Recovery

As Congress works on its fourth package of federal relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the League partners with the national arts and nonprofit sectors seek support for orchestras, musicians, and the communities they serve.

At a Glance: Pension Reform

Congress is considering legislative proposals aiming to improve the status of single-employer pension plans and the many underfunded multiemployer plans. The American Federation of Musicians and Employers’ Pension Fund Plan (AFM-EPF), in which many orchestras participate, is calling on employer and musician participants to contact Congress in support of immediate relief. We urge Congress to …

A Guide to Congressional Gift Rules

Inviting members of Congress to see your performing arts programs in action is often the best way to inform them of the public benefits of federal support for the arts. This presentation from the Performing Arts Alliance covers the dos and don’ts of what you can do for/give to elected officials.

Sample Actions Your Orchestra Might Take

The most effective advocacy efforts are tailored to address a local community’s unique resources and opportunities, in partnership with local stakeholders. Your orchestra’s alignment in support of in-school music education helps your community. While there is a benefit to be gained for your orchestra, music education advocacy is a civic opportunity and a way to …

Pernambuco Exemption and Conservation

The majority of fine bows used by musicians worldwide are made from Paubrasilia echinata  (Pernambuco)wood. The quality of these bows is integral to the quality of music performed for listeners internationally. For this reason, musicians, bowmakers, performing arts organizations, and listening audiences value the Pernambuco tree as an essential resource. The music community supports conservation efforts that …

Visa and Tax How-To

Co-hosted by the League and the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, ArtistsfromAbroad.org features complete and up-to-date guidance on the visa process and tax treatment for foreign guest artists

Orchestras’ Guide to Ethics and Accountability

Orchestras depend on support from the public and must operate ethically and effectively to maintain the public’s trust. As nonprofit organizations around the country are shoring up their administrative and governance practices, orchestras must develop a transparent culture on issues ranging from employee and volunteer human resource policies to financial record-keeping.