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Playing Your Part: Advocacy in 2025

Free webinar recording for members. Learn about key policy priorities, how to engage policymakers year-round, and pick up some tips from experts and peers well-practiced in speaking up for the arts.

Latest Arts Policy Updates from D.C.

In This Issue: New Administration, Executive Actions, and Impact on the Arts; Playing Your Part: League Webinar on Advocacy in 2025; Tax Reform Discussions Underway; and Reminder: New Form for International Guest Artist Visa Petitions

FY25 NEA Grants to Orchestras

47 orchestras are direct grant recipients of Grants for Arts Projects (GAP1) awards totaling $1,445,000 million and 14 orchestras are receiving Challenge America grants totaling $140,000, plus there are numerous orchestral- and instrument training program-related projects receiving NEA grants.