September 24, 2020
Gold Award of Excellence
The Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras knows firsthand the rewards and challenges of initiating and executing projects that benefit orchestras. Each year the Volunteer Council invites organizations to submit outstanding volunteer programs for recognition at the League’s National Conference.
June 11, 2021
Conference 2021: Volunteers Constituency: How to be an Effective Leader
Identifying, growing and supporting leaders are important challenges for our volunteer organizations. Utilizing a conversational format, Kim Noltemy and James Leffler addressed numerous leadership challenges.
May 4, 2020
Conference 2020: Figuring Out Together How to Handle Fundraising in This Difficult Time
This session is facilitated by Tresa Radermacher of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra, Cindy Kidwell of the East Texas Symphony Orchestra, Terry White of the Amarillo Symphony Orchestra, and Beth Wise of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra.
January 26, 2021
Traditions Reimagined: Resiliency Unveiled
The Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras looks at how volunteer organizations are tweaking traditions and holding firm as they continue to support their communities during this time of uncertainty, with special emphasis on ways these organizations have changed and adapted with respect to holding meetings, fundraising, and engaging and communicating with their members.
September 25, 2020
Webinars for Volunteers
Making Connections – Strengthening Ties Through Social Media; Fundraising Fundamentals: An Introduction to Grassroots Fundraising; The 3 R’s of Leadership: Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources
June 11, 2021
Volunteers Constituency: How to be an Effective Leader
May 18, 2020
Conference 2020: Idea Exchange Regarding Volunteer Support of Our Board, Musicians, Volunteers, and the Community
This session is facilitated by Tresa Radermacher of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra, Tiffany Ammerman of the Marshall Symphony, Bruce Colquhoun of the Spokane Symphony, and Julie Meredith of the Utah Symphony.
September 25, 2020
Volunteer Strategic Conversations
Each fall members of the Volunteer Council facilitate a multiple-week conference call series for volunteer association Presidents and Presidents-Elect, entitled Strategic Conversations. On these calls we discuss governance, leadership development, member recruitment and retention, fundraising, and other topics.
September 25, 2020
Advocacy for Volunteers
First, please make time to read through the League’s resource, Playing Your Part: An Orchestra’s Guide to Public Policy Advocacy. In it you’ll find easy-to-read advice on how you can be an effective and engaged advocate for your orchestra. Volunteers are especially valuable advocates!