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COVID-19, Concert Cancellations, and Congressional Action

Community by community, the impact of COVID-19 is variable and rapidly changing. As Congress and the Administration consider new forms of federal economic assistance that may be targeted or widespread, orchestras can join others in the arts and nonprofit sectors that are speaking up to ensure that relief will meet all community needs.

Federal budget repeats recent history, proposing elimination of NEA

With bipartisan support from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) received an increase for fiscal year 2020 for a total funding level of $162.25 million, while the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program fund at the U.S. Department of Education actually received a $1 million increase for a total funding level of $30 million.

Federal budget repeats recent history, proposing elimination of NEA

With bipartisan support from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) received an increase for fiscal year 2020 for a total funding level of $162.25 million, while the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program fund at the U.S. Department of Education actually received a $1 million increase for a total funding level of $30 million.

Reminder! IRA Rollover is a key giving incentive

Many orchestras have received significant new contributions since the IRA Charitable Rollover provision was made permanent in 2015, allowing individuals age 70-1/2 and older to make direct, tax-free transfers of up to $100,000 per year (up to $200,000 for married couples) from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) to qualified charities.

League Leading: January 2020

Increasing diversity in American orchestras: a NAAS update; 2019 League policy victories set the stage for 2020 advocacy; Meet twelve emerging orchestra leaders; Abuzz: “We were interested in The Catalyst Fund…”; We moved to serve members better; League resources at your fingertips