Audience Attitudes about Returning to Live Concerts – A Summary of Results from the Audience Outlook Monitor Study
RegisterJuly 28, 2021
3:00pm Eastern/Noon Pacific
During the past year, a cohort of American orchestras has been collaborating to study audience attitudes about returning to live concerts. Key questions they are exploring include:
- How can you best navigate the labyrinth of information about venue safety?
- What messages are you sending to people who aren’t ready to come out yet?
- How can communications build or reinforce the trust that your patrons have in you?
Join Alan Brown, principal of WolfBrown, for a 60-minute presentation on the latest findings and a Q&A with cohort members. Gain fresh insights from their ongoing research, with a focus on patterns of demand recovery, conditions for return (including attitudes about mask requirements and vaccinated-only admittance), and digital participation. Alan will also demonstrate how League members can access a dashboard with aggregated data collected in this study. The research will continue through November 2021.
Learn more about the Audience Outlook Monitor (AOM), one of the League’s COVID-19 data partnerships.
Speakers: Alan Brown, Principal, WolfBrown; Siggi Bachmann, Senior Director of Design and Creative Services, New World Symphony; and Daniel B. Grossman, V.P. of Marketing, Nashville Symphony
Who Should Attend?
Please contact Member Services at member@americanorchestras.org.
This webinar is made possible by generous grants from American Express, the Baisley Powell Elebash Fund, the Howard Gilman Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Banner: A socially distant pops performance by the Omaha Symphony in October 2020, conducted by Ernest Richardson. Photo credit: Casey Wood
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