Disaster Relief and Preparedness
In This SectionThe League, together with a number of other national arts organizations, has worked with Congress and federal agencies to ensure that arts organizations have improved access to preparation resources and federal disaster relief. A growing number of national resources and expert organizations are available to help arts organizations and artists take essential steps to be prepared and respond to emergency events.
Congress recognized the public value of performing arts organizations by addressing a significant inequity in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief policy. A provision approved by Congress in October 2006 added nonprofit performing arts facilities to the list of organizations eligible for future FEMA disaster relief assistance. And, in November 2024 FEMA published information about new eligibility for self-employed musicians and other artists to gain access to tool-replacement resources, including support for musical instruments. Most FEMA resources flow through state FEMA offices, so getting familiar with your state’s emergency management agency is an essential first step.
Disasters can strike at any time and in any place. Advanced preparation is essential to navigating a natural disaster and other unexpected emergencies. Find more information in the links below.
Disaster Preparation and Relief Resources
- Los Angeles Wildfire Relief: See the Wildfire Resources assembled by the Association of California Symphony Orchestras, including relief funds specific to the LA region.
- Find your state’s emergency management agency.
- ArtsReady: Find resources on response, recovery, and readiness.
- CERF+: While many of its resources are dedicated to crafts people, the Craft Emergency Relief Fund, CERF+, has a web page with resources available to artists of all types.
- DisasterAssistance.gov: providing disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): FEMA offers assistance before and after disaster strikes. Orchestras should consult FEMA Assistance for Private Non-Profits After a Disaster and musicians may find helpful FEMA Assistance for Self-Employed for Equipment, Tool Replacement.
- Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: Disaster response and recovery resources.
- MusiCares: MusiCares provides crisis relief, preventive care, recovery resources, and need-based financial assistance for people across all music professions.
- National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER): Find numerous resources for the arts community, including a dedicated disaster resource page.
- NEA Disaster Readiness & Recovery for the Arts and Culture Sector: The National Endowment for the Arts has compiled resources, including damage assessment forms and links to response networks.
- Performing Arts Readiness: Performing Arts Readiness project offers free webinars, on-site training, and presentations at professional conferences on various topics related to emergency preparedness.
Top Developments on COVID-19 Resources
Disaster Relief News
June 2, 2023
Latest News in Guidance for Bow Owners, NEA Grants, Charitable Giving Policy, and More
In This Issue: League and International Partners Release "Know Your Bow" Pernambuco Guide; NEA Announces Second Round Grants for Arts Projects Recipients; Speak Up to Support the Charitable Act!; Shuttered Venue Grants Near Close-Out Phase; New Ticketing Rules Proposed at Federal Level
September 27, 2022
Autumn Advocacy Action
In This Issue: Activate New Voter Engagement Resources; Shuttered Venues Grant Program Enters Closeout Process; Talks Accelerate on New Rules for Musical Instruments; Engaging Artists from Abroad
March 23, 2022
Signs of Spring: Cherry Blossoms and D.C. Policy Updates
In This Issue: NEA and Arts Education Funds Increase for Fiscal Year 2022; Continued Calls for Relief as Research Charts COVID-19's Impact on the Arts; League Speaks Up on Travel with Musical Instruments; Charitable Giving and Nonprofit Sector Take the Spotlight in Senate Hearing
March 1, 2022
Solidarity with Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a betrayal of humanity. In the face of this attack on an independent nation, with innocent citizens being killed, maimed, or forced to flee their homes, we may feel powerless as arts organizations to make a difference. Nonetheless, this past week the classical music world has moved swiftly to respond to unfolding events and many American orchestras have expressed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine in powerful ways.
February 14, 2022
Latest Arts Policy News
In This Issue: Act Now: ERTC Reinstatement Gaining Support; States Now Processing FEMA Safe Opening Assistance; U.S. Copyright Office Opens Talks on 'Bots'; Shuttered Venue Grants in Action Nationwide; NEA American Rescue Plan Grants to Aid 24 Orchestras; New Engagement by U.S. Department of Education on Arts Learning; Engaging International Artists? Explore Consular Waivers, Confirm Approved Vaccines
August 25, 2021
Update on the Afghanistan National Institute of Music
The world is sadly aware of the events in Afghanistan and of the danger faced by women, girls, journalists, and all those who helped the Americans during the war. Less visible is the danger faced in Afghanistan by musicians of all ages, and the Taliban’s history of denying the human right of access to music and music-making.
June 24, 2020
Policy Updates for Nonprofits Self-Insuring for Unemployment Benefits
Last week, the Protecting Nonprofits from Catastrophic Cash Flow Strain Act was introduced by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tim Scott (R-SC) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) to help relieve burdens on orchestras and other nonprofits that self-insure for unemployment benefits.
June 24, 2020
The Latest Paycheck Protection Program Updates and League Webinar
he League is presenting a webinar on Monday, June 29 at 1:00pm Eastern, providing the very latest information on the loan forgiveness process for the Paycheck Protection Program, which has been a key form of relief for orchestras and musicians amidst the COVID-19 crisis.
June 24, 2020
League Calls for Improvements to Nonprofit Main Street Lending Program
This week, the League submitted comments (PDF) to the Federal Reserve, in coordination with the broader nonprofit sector, to suggest several revisions to the Main Street Lending Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility and the Nonprofit Organization New Loan Facility, which was proposed on Monday, June 15.
April 24, 2020
Congress Acts on New Funds for PPP and SBA Loans
Congress and the White House are taking final action on a narrowly-tailored "interim" COVID-19 relief bill.
Banner: Peoria Symphony Orchestra staff accepted food donations to benefit the local Peoria Area Food Bank as part of Orchestras Feeding America. Photo credit: Michelle Seibert.
In This Section
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