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Prelude and Table of Contents: Winter 2020

No list is definitive. Just a few years ago, a roster of african-american classical composers might have missed Florence Price—even though her music is increasingly heard at orchestras today. Price burst on the scene with great fanfare in 1933 when no less than the chicago symphony orchestra gave the premiere of her symphony no. 1. …

The Score: Winter 2021

News and updates from orchestras everywhere. In this issue: League helps secure federal COVID-19 relief package that includes support and resources for orchestras; concert halls and performing arts centers serve as polling places and orchestra musicians play as voters cast their ballots; orchestras perform in parks, drive-ins, and an airport hangar; advancing the careers of women in classical music.

Prelude and Table of Contents: Winter 2021

To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, what a long, strange year it’s been. Twelve months ago, nobody outside the scientific community had heard of novel coronaviruses, and now the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has surpassed 400,000. Concert halls shut down in compliance with health regulations.

Coda: Change Agent

With the Chineke! Orchestra, Chi-chi Nwanoku is creating opportunities for classical musicians of color in the U.K. and Europe, with a year-round schedule of concerts, plus an orchestra of young musicians mentored by the professional musicians. Here, she speaks about the orchestra and her long-term goal: to create a future generation in which Black, Asian, and ethnically diverse classical musicians are no longer a rarity but are part of the norm.

Annual Fund: Winter 2021

With the support of our valued donors, the League continues to have a positive impact on the future of orchestras in America by helping to develop the next generation of leaders, generating and disseminating critical knowledge and information, and advocating for the unique role of the orchestral experience in American life before an ever-widening group of stakeholders.

Podium Launches

The pandemic has put significant speed bumps into launching a new music director, but orchestras are rising to the challenge. Despite constantly changing health protocols and travel restrictions, orchestras—and their incoming music directors—are staying connected by adopting new technology, experimenting with repertoire, and finding ways to make music while keeping everyone safe.

Chamber Crescendo

Symphonic blockbusters are being swapped out for chamber-sized works as orchestras adapt to pandemic health guidelines. Fresh discoveries abound—for musicians, orchestras, and audiences.

New Directions

Emerging artists—the young musicians who burst onto the orchestra scene every year—face unprecedented challenges as they start careers at a time when most in-person performances are off the table. Simultaneously, the country’s reckoning with racism is resonating with these young musicians, who are re-envisioning their musical careers and their role as artists and activists.