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NEA Grants Support 41 Orchestra Projects in Second Round of FY20 Funding

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has awarded 41 direct grants to orchestral projects through its FY20 Art Works Part 2 grant category, totaling $867,000 in funding, as well almost two dozen grants to related projects. In all, the Endowment awarded more than 1,000 grants totaling $25,334,900 through Art Works Part 2, as well as $3.643 million in Our Town awards and $780,000 in research grants.

League Statement on Racial Injustice

Our colleagues of color—and many communities served by the orchestras we represent—are living with deep pain and fear, subjected to the threat of police violence, to the risks inherent in serving as essential workers in a time of crisis, and to ongoing oppression in a society scarred by racism. There is an urgent need for White people and predominantly White organizations to do the work of uprooting this racism.

Arts Education and Teaching Artistry Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Federal emergency funding provided in the CARES Act is now available to states through block grants and emergency relief resources intended to support the new costs of adapting to learning needs amid the COVID-19 crisis. Funds are primarily targeted to Title I schools, and state and local education policy leaders are given opportunities to choose how to direct these COVID-19 relief resources.

NEA Awards CARES Act Funding to States

As of last week, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced it awarded almost $30 million to the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia and several territories including Puerto Rico, for re-granting in order to preserve jobs and facilities costs.