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What Now, and What Next: Your Orchestra and COVID-19 Federal Relief, Part 2 (April 8, 2020)

Member-only Content

As a follow up to our April 1 webinar, the League of American Orchestras presents another free webinar for members in order to provide new information on SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans, a deeper dive into new guidelines for the Paycheck Protection Program, an overview of Employee Retention Tax Credits, and the latest information on additional forms of relief for orchestras and musicians amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Orchestra Fundraising in This Time of Crisis, in Two Parts

Member-only Content

In a matter of weeks, the world has changed dramatically for orchestras. Public spaces are closed, events are canceled, and orchestras are forced to abandon the balance of the concert season. With single ticket revenue instantly drying up, and subscription money for next season slowing, the only reliable stream of revenue has become fundraising.

Advocacy for Volunteers

First, please make time to read through the League’s resource, Playing Your Part: An Orchestra’s Guide to Public Policy Advocacy. In it you’ll find easy-to-read advice on how you can be an effective and engaged advocate for your orchestra. Volunteers are especially valuable advocates!

Volunteer Strategic Conversations

Each fall members of the Volunteer Council facilitate a multiple-week conference call series for volunteer association Presidents and Presidents-Elect, entitled Strategic Conversations. On these calls we discuss governance, leadership development, member recruitment and retention, fundraising, and other topics.

Webinars for Volunteers

Member-only Content

Making Connections – Strengthening Ties Through Social Media; Fundraising Fundamentals: An Introduction
to Grassroots Fundraising; The 3 R’s of Leadership: Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Overtime Policy Developments and Resources

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) announced changes to overtime compensation requirements, with new requirements taking effect on January 1, 2020. Final regulations issued by the DoL will increase the number of workers eligible for overtime compensation, with a more moderate approach than previously proposed under the Obama Administration.

Gold Award of Excellence

The Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras knows firsthand the rewards and challenges of initiating and executing projects that benefit orchestras. Each year the Volunteer Council invites organizations to submit outstanding volunteer programs for recognition at the League’s National Conference.