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What Trustees Need to Know to Deal with this Economic Downturn

Member-only Content

Orchestras are dealing with unprecedented economic challenges, and board engagement in managing this crisis is more critical than ever. Susan Nelson of TDC provides insights on how boards can help their orchestras make informed decisions based on their principles and values and daunting choices in this constituency session from the League’s 2020 Online Conference.

Active Stewardship to Keep Donors

Member-only Content

Now more than ever, we must focus and set goals for actively stewarding all donors of all sizes and in all stages. Cat New of RSC provides a practical, low-cost, and effective approach to donor stewardship and facilitates a discussion of what stewardship methods orchestras have found effective in this constituency session from the League’s 2020 Online Conference.

Conference 2019 Highlights

Member-only Content

The League’s 74th National Conference in Nashville, June 3-5, was an extraordinary gathering of musicians, composers, board members, administrators, and volunteers, filled with provocative content and wonderful music, hosted by the Nashville Symphony. See below for videos, presentations, handouts, and more.