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Technical Notes | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

We recognize that the demographic categories characterizing labor force data can aid us in understanding the broader themes at play, however they should not lead us to consider demographic groups as homogenous categories with shared experiences. In reality, of course, each group is — in itself — diverse. Data Equity: Conventions and biases inform the …

Definitions | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

Orchestra Terms Racial/Ethnic Category Terms (U.S. Census Definitions) Gender terms (Human Rights Commission Definition) Other Terms Jump to another page: This project was supported in part by an award from the Research Grants in the Arts program at the National Endowment for the Arts, Grant #1863433-38-20. Additional funding was provided by a generous grant from the Mellon …

Recommendations | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

Informing the Work Ahead The League of American Orchestras is committed to supporting the field in finding ways to accelerate the pace of change in equity, diversity, and inclusion. Through our conferences and meetings, our webinars and online resources, our partnerships, our research, and especially through the work of the new Inclusive Stages coalition for …

Key Findings | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

Musicians Conductors, Including Assistant Conductors and Music Directors Music Directors Staff Members, Including Top Executives Top Executives Board Members Jump to another page: This project was supported in part by an award from the Research Grants in the Arts program at the National Endowment for the Arts, Grant #1863433-38-20. Additional funding was provided by a generous grant …

Overview | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

Our research reveals crucial differences between the experiences of different racial/ethnic and gender groups. Inequities persist in overall representation, and also between orchestra roles and budget categories. From low starting points, some relative progress was made during the period from the 2013-14 season to the 2022-23 season. Specifically, representation improved among Asian or Asian American …

Introduction | Diversity in the Orchestra Field 2023

Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity in the Orchestra Field in 2023, published by the League of American Orchestras (the League), covers the ten-year time period from the 2013-14 season through the 2022-23 season. It builds on the League’s 2016 report Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity in the Orchestra Field (Doeser, 2016), which established a baseline for member …

More than 1,000 Orchestra Administrators, Conductors, Musicians, Trustees, and Volunteers will Gather in Pittsburgh for “Bridges to the Future,” League of American Orchestras National Conference, June 14-16, 2023

Music, fellowship, sharing, and learning will be on the agenda as more than 1,000 orchestra administrators, conductors, musicians, board members, and volunteers build “Bridges to the Future” at the League of American Orchestras National Conference in Pittsburgh, June 14-16, 2023.