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Conference 2020 – So You Want to Know About Sensory-Friendly Programming?

Over the past five years, the Minnesota Orchestra and other symphonies have pioneered the development of sensory-friendly/relaxed orchestra performances. While these inclusive experiences have been well-received by audience members, staff, and musicians alike, this programming requires a commitment from the organization to develop an inclusive culture and adapt operations to effectively serve audiences with autism or neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Conference 2020: Post-COVID-19 Planning From the Marketing Perspective

Member-only Content

In this session, we will begin the road back to performances in a post-COVID-19 world. In breakout groups, we will consider scenarios for the easing of stay-at-home restrictions, consumer hesitation, and the economic downturn, and model responses to these challenges. Bring your best, most creative thoughts!

Conference 2020 – What is the Artistic Work of Orchestras for Today?

We live in a time of unprecedented creative variety and possibility, a surge of digital content and distribution, and new understandings of who gets to shape the orchestra experience. In this video of a session from a League Conference, we explore what it means for the artistic leadership of orchestras today, and what may need to change in order to seize the opportunities ahead.

Conference 2020: Ways to Connect with our Members/ Virtual Virtuosos: How Apps Can Strike a Chord with Volunteer Work

Member-only Content

Join our Volunteer Council Networking chair, Laurie Skjerseth of the Quad City Symphony Orchestra, Janet Cabot of the Madison Symphony Orchestra, and guest, Emily Green, who is the Program Coordinator of the Minnesota Music Educators Association and Head Music Librarian of the Minnesota Youth Symphonies, for a PowerPoint Presentation and Q& A on tools to help your organization and orchestras move forward.

Conference 2020 – Addressing Gender Equity On and Off the Stage

While gender representation in the orchestral field has diversified both onstage and offstage recently, the challenge of creating truly inclusive and equitable environments remains. Salary parity, promotion and tenure, and interpersonal treatment are all issues in which gender inequity continues to manifest.

Conference 2020: Revenue Generation in the Age of COVID-19

Member-only Content

When we return to the concert hall, we will be forced into a wholesale reevaluation of our revenue model. It isn’t simply that demand will be down, we’ll have fewer seats, and patrons will expect to pay less. The reality will be more nuanced and we’ll need to look to our patrons to tell us what our value is to them.

Conference 2020: Patron Engagement During COVID-19 and Beyond

Member-only Content

Even though in-person performances are suspended and marketing resources are reduced, we are not on hiatus. In fact, maintaining and growing patron engagement is more important than ever. According to Fred Reichheld, Bain Fellow and Creator of the Net Promoter System, “What you do now—how you treat your patrons—will be what everyone remembers after the COVID-19 crisis recedes.”