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Eco-Friendly Orchestras

At a time of climate change, the environment and sustainability practices are growing concerns for the classical music field. How are American orchestras addressing their environmental impact, and what kinds of sustainability efforts go beyond the call of duty?

Re: “Unheard Voices” Cover Story

Reactions to Symphony’s Winter 2020 cover article, which examined the longstanding underrepresentation of Black composers in the orchestral canon; reported on the recent increase in performances of music by Black composers; and asked whether orchestras’ new interest in Black composers signifies a lasting commitment.

New Sounds for Summer

Summer music festivals often venture beyond beloved blockbusters to explore new music. These range from deep-dive events that focus exclusively on new music to festivals that commission, perform, and spotlight contemporary scores in the context of the canon—lending new perspectives to both.

Can You Hear Her Now?

This August will mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote—and orchestras are responding with commissions of music by women composers this season and next.

Up Close, Far Away

With large-group gatherings banned and concert halls closed due to the novel coronavirus this spring, orchestras performed their concerts to empty halls—the audiences were online.

Music in the Time of a Pandemic

In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic and shut-down that expand daily, orchestras and musicians are keeping the music going by embracing a new digital normal.

Critical Questions

What role should nonprofits play in today’s rapidly evolving society? League President and CEO Jesse Rosen and Daniel H. Weiss, president and CEO of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, discuss how nonprofits and their boards are adapting to new expectations about transparency, ethics, and community engagement.

The Score: Spring 2020

News and updates from orchestras everywhere. In this issue: orchestras confront coronavirus; Simon Woods named League of American Orchestras’ next president and CEO; progress at National Alliance for Audition Support; awards and honors for the orchestra field.