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Agency Nominations, Policy Updates, and More

In This Issue: Still Time to Act on Arts and Recovery, Reminder! New Charitable Giving Incentives Encourage Donors to Give More, Shuttered Venue Operators Grants: Reporting Requirements Coming Soon, International Guest Artists Experiencing Visa Delays and Complications, Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson Nominated to Lead National Endowment for the Arts, Arts Education Legislation Nears Introduction, October is National Arts and Humanities Month

Arts and Recovery: Contact Congress Today

Your voice has made a real difference as Congress shapes relief and recovery resources, and it’s time to be heard once again! In the coming weeks, Congress will finalize the contents of massive legislative vehicles intended to build the nation’s infrastructure and provide resources to support recovery amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation is being called a once-in-a-generation investment in U.S. infrastructure and growth.

Bandwagon is Back

With a mobile, state-of-the-art shipping container as a stage, the New York Philharmonic partnered with six organizations and more than 100 artists to present four weekend-long festivals across New York City and deepen their connection with communities as part of NY Phil Bandwagon 2.

SBA Begins Shuttered Venue Grant Award Announcements

On May 26, 2021, the Small Business Administration (SBA) posted a new set of Frequently Asked Questions for Awardees approved for a Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG), as grant notifications for the first award recipients for this critical form of COVID-19 relief are issued this week.

Shuttered Venue Operator Updates

In a call with Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) stakeholders today, the Small Business Administration (SBA) provided information in response to applicant uncertainty over the timing and next steps in processing grant applications.

Shuttered Venue Operators Grants Updates

The SBA is advising stakeholders that further information about next steps in Shuttered Venue Operators Grants program will continue to be released this week and next. The League participated in a call this afternoon with SVOG administrators.