Post-Election Update and Peek at 2023
November 21, 2022
In This Issue
Short-term Priorities for Year-End Legislating
Policy leaders in the current Congress have just a few weeks remaining in this legislative year to pass funding bills for the 2023 fiscal year and possibly pass a year-end tax package that could include provisions of help to the nonprofit sector.
- FUNDING BILLS: The House Interior Appropriations Committee recommended $207 million for the National Endowment for the Arts for FY2023, which would be an increase of $27 million from its current funding level. Meanwhile, the Senate Appropriations Committee recommended $39 million for the Arts in Education program (also known as the Assistance for Arts Education), which would be a modest increase over its current allocation of $36.5 million but short of the $40 million arts education advocates are seeking.
- TAX PROVISIONS: The League has consistently been part of a larger nonprofit sector effort to urge Congress to renew and extend the universal charitable deduction, a provision that allowed taxpayers to take a limited charitable deduction in tax years 2020 and 2021 even if they do not itemize their taxes. Most recently, we participated in a fly-in event for nonprofit organizations throughout the country to go to Capitol Hill and speak with federal policymakers on behalf of social services, health, faith, arts, and education. Another tax provision the League has been supporting is the Legacy IRA Act, which would expand the IRA Charitable Rollover–a provision that was permanently enacted in 2015 and remains a valuable but often underutilized giving provision. Lastly, the League continues to press for restoration of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). In addition to urging Congress to take action, the League has joined employers seeking IRS action on delayed ERTC payments.
Advocates can get up to speed quickly on any number of policy issues via our online issue center and use any of our campaigns to request action and introduce yourself to your federally elected officials.
Prepare for 2023 and Beyond
The League of American Orchestras has members in all 50 states and roughly 2/3 of the 435 Congressional districts, and orchestras frequently deliver on their nonprofit missions through partnerships in districts well beyond their concert halls. Cultivating and maintaining bipartisan support for issues that affect orchestras and their communities remains critical at every level and it’s never too soon to start building relationships with newly elected officials. These first conversations are great opportunities for everyone to listen for a better understanding of what is needed in your community. With many senior legislators stepping down, many policymakers already in office will be receiving new committee assignments, including leadership posts. These decisions won’t be announced until the new year, and the League will be letting members know if their elected officials receive appointments to committees that are of particular interest for our field. As always, it is incredibly helpful to know what kind of connections you have to policymakers, so please reach out to our D.C. policy team to let us know who you know!
Your Advocacy Toolkit:
- Look Up Your Federally Elected Officials (for officials serving through December)
- League Chart of Incoming Federally Elected Officials by State
- Playing Your Part: An Orchestra’s Guide to Public Policy Advocacy
- Key Policy Issues at a Glance (PDF)
- Contact Congress: Our Complete Hub for Issue Campaigns
Odds and Endss
Some assorted deadlines and updates you may have missed:
- American Music Abroad: Musicians interested in international cultural diplomacy can apply to American Music Abroad, a program administered by the Association of American Voices on behalf of the U.S. Dept of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Applications to be considered for the 2023-2024 tour season are being accepted Nov 1, 2022 through Jan 24, 2023. Please visit the AMA website for application criteria and answers to FAQs.
- Celebrate Music Education in Your Community: School districts and individual schools can be recognized for their continued commitment to music education with a Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) award. Now in its 24th year, this award offers national recognition and visibility for school music programs and honors the efforts of educators, administrators, students and community music education champions who share in the common goal to ensure access to music for all students as part of a well-rounded education. The deadline to apply is Jan 31, 2023. There are separate applications for School Districts and for Schools. Please spread the word!
- Visa Petitioners Can Save Some Paper: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that U.S. petitioners filing the Form I-129 (which is used to engage international guest artists on O or P visas, among other classifications) no longer need to send a duplicate copy of the form or of the supporting documentation. It’s still strongly advisable to retain a complete copy of a petition in case a duplicate copy should be requested later, and for record-keeping. More information and general guidance about the visa process are available on the League’s dedicated website, Artists from Abroad.
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New Deadlines and NEA Grant Guidance Ahead
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